English (United Kingdom)

R3: Feasibility study continuation of future S@TB approach.

What are we developing in this result?

This outcome involves a feasibility study on the continuation of the S@TB approach beyond the project period (R3). During the project, a feasibility study and a business plan will be made on the continuation of the S@TB project after the project is completed.

The feasibility study will include the following aspects: business plan, financing (future sponsorship (funds, membership, government subsidy, etc.) and research on future funding and sponsorship.

How are we doing it?

The S@TB website as well as the methodology should be transferred from the Erasmus project to an organization that will maintain it, so that it will eventually remain as an important tool that can be used for and by local entrepreneurs!

As a result, this result consists of one big activity. R3.A: The feasibility study including a business plan. business plan A detailed implementation of this result with who is responsible for what and what the schedule is.