English (United Kingdom)

In this SHOP-@-THE-BLOCK (S@TB) project, the consortium will work to offer local and especially smaller entrepreneurs a better chance of success in the current economic market through a digital transformation.

S@TB methodology

Hereby the S@TB methodology and template will be used to make (starting) entrepreneurs more digitally ready, join forces as a local community and offer them more capacity (knowledge, skills and growth) regarding entrepreneurship skills. But also make them more resilient in the current situation, where a pandemic has caused an accelerated changing market for most local entrepreneurs, where keeping their heads above water in a crisis like the past 1.5 years has been very difficult, especially if you have little or no online participation in a commercial sense.

This project thus tries to bridge the gap between the current market, in which local entrepreneurs were already having a hard time given the larger conglomerates, which seemed to have more opportunities in the online shopping area, and the shopping streets that were becoming increasingly empty due to the current economy.

But also because of the acceleration of this pandemic, which has caused us not to like everything from afar better anymore, but also to look for local initiatives in the commercial field and opportunities that the online world offers today.

Finally, all three general priorities of the E+ program also come together in this project.

First of all, the fact that this project focuses on inclusion and diversity; the program focuses on involving young/start-up entrepreneurs (some of whom have not yet had a good chance in the labor market) and 60% of them must be women. In addition, it offers a digital opportunity, namely the fact that they are local online(!) communities hubs developed in this project.

Finally, it is a sustainable solution, since the clustering of online web shops including pickup/home delivery of the products/services can be bundled.