English (United Kingdom)

Ethical training on how to start your company

Acumen Academy: Get the tools you need to build businesses—and a better world.

Changemakers: Changemakers is a place to connect with people who are transforming our world for the good of all.

Embroker: A Startup’s Guide to Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Yourarticlelibrary: An article explaining what business ethics is.

Support tools and networks for women: The European Commission supports several tools, networks and initiatives providing opportunities specifically geared toward women entrepreneurs.

Responsible Retail: How Purpose Becomes Performance: An article about what is means to be a responsible retailer

Leaning.org: gives companies the tools to ensure women have equal opportunities

Belonging at Work by Rhodes Perry: a guide to creating inclusive workplaces

Mvonederland.nl: business platform for sustainable businesses, how to enterprise with regard to nature and society

Endorse the women's empowerment principles: An article from the United Nations Global Compact website on the importance on gender equality in the workplace

Empower women in the workplace, marketplace and community: An article from the United Nations Global Compact website on the importance on gender equality in the workplace

Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns: A link to resources on ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns

Why sustainable development goals should be in your business plan: An article by EY on why sustainable goals should be in your business plan

The relevance of the sustainable development goals for companies: An article on the 17 sustainable development goals and how companies can engage with them.

How your company can advance each of the SDGs: a comprehensive guide to how companies can advance each of the 17 Sustainable development goals.

Support tools and networks for women (applicable to NL and BE): De Europese Commissie ondersteunt verschillende instrumenten, netwerken en initiatieven die kansen bieden die specifiek gericht zijn op vrouwelijke ondernemers.

Responsible Retail: How Purpose Becomes Performance (applicable to NL and BE): Een artikel over wat het betekent om een verantwoordelijke retailer te zijn.

Leaning.org (applicable to NL and BE): gives companies the tools to ensure women have equal opportunities

Belonging at Work by Rhodes Perry (applicable to NL and BE): a guide to creating inclusive workplaces

Mvonederland.nl (applicable to NL): business platform for sustainable businesses, how to enterprise with regard to nature and society

Endorse the women's empowerment principles (applicable to NL and BE): Een artikel van de Global Compact-website van de Verenigde Naties over het belang van gendergelijkheid op de werkplek

Empower women in the workplace, marketplace and community (applicable to NL and BE): Een artikel van de Global Compact-website van de Verenigde Naties over het belang van gendergelijkheid op de werkplek

Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns (applicable to NL and BE): Een link naar bronnen over duurzame consumptie- en productiepatronen

The relevance of the sustainable development goals for companies (applicable to NL and BE): Een artikel over de 17 duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelen en hoe bedrijven hiermee kunnen omgaan.

How your company can advance each of the SDGs (applicable to NL and BE): Een uitgebreide gids over hoe bedrijven elk van de 17 doelstellingen voor duurzame ontwikkeling kunnen bevorderen.