English (United Kingdom)

R2: Establish online entrepreneur hubs communities template and implement pilots.

What are we developing in this result?

This outcome mainly involves setting up the online entrepreneur hubs communities template (following research from Outcome 1), in which start-up (riskier) entrepreneurs pop- ups with local stakeholders.

This component of the result consists of developing and implementing an online entrepreneur hub community template, where the entrepreneurs can add their own products/services to add.

How are we doing it?

To complete and maintain these templates by local entrepreneurship hub community, there will be local existing entrepreneurs as part of the partnership with the necessary experience and expertise are trained within the C1.

To Finally, within this outcome, a dedicated S@TB website will also be built, which will have to be developed to disseminate the tools/instruments, including all results (R1 / R 3) an S@TB manual and other relevant documentation of the project presentation.

This will also show project information. As a result, this result consists concretely of 3 parts

  • R2.A | The S@TB online website
  • R2.B | The online entrepreneurial hub community template
  • R2.C | Pilot implementation an elaborated implementation of this outcome with who is responsible for what and what the schedule is, is detailed below.